
Course on Jyotish Astrology

Archive for the day “December 15, 2012”

Venus in Marriage & Sex – 2



Venus and seventh house rule the sex life in a male, twelfth house rules his extra-marital life.

Of them, Venus is most important and this planet is chiefly to be considered while judging the character of a male. When Venus is located in house of malefic, is in any way related with Saturn, Rahu or Mars and is devoid of benefic influence, it is likely one will have liaison with women other than his wife. When Rahu affects Venus by aspect or conjunction in a malefic house, it makes a man highly sexy. When Rahu similarly damages seventh or eighth house and their lords and if same afflicted house or planet is not guarded by conjunction or aspect of beneficial planet, the similar results will be seen.

When afflicted Venus is in the seventh house or when lord of the seventh house is conjoined with Rahu or in opposition to Rahu and is not aspected or conjoined with any benefic, one is likely to have unlawful relations with woman other than his wife. The malefic results are more intense if seventh lord in the above circumstances is also aspected or conjoined by Mars or Saturn and Venus is also unpleasantly placed. Similar results are experienced when Venus in seventh house identical with movable sign with Rahu aspected by malefics. When both Venus and the lord of the seventh house are positioned in a house of a malefic planet, one is likely to have a loose sex life.

Brihat Jataka, Jataka Tattva and Saravali have generally not mentioned favorably in regards to morals of a man if Mars and Venus are related. Venus is a rajas planet; he gets afflicted the moment he comes in contact with tamas planet like Mars. If Venus and Mars join in the seventh house aspected by malefics, there will be serious danger as far as sex life is concerned. Mars rules the criminal and warring sensations and feelings.

In matrimonial matters, it is a well known fact that Mars causes greater evil than any other planet. If the influence of Mars on Venus is patent, potent and unerring the native is sure to become too passionate and adulterous (Mars with Venus indicates that native will be adulterous and gambler – Brihat Jataka). He may indulge in unnatural ways to gratify his lust. If Venus is in seventh house in Navamsa of Mars and is also aspected by Mars and is in no way guarded by any benefic planet, one is likely to have sex relations with married woman. When Venus in seventh house in Navamsa of Mars is also afflicted by Saturn, similar result is produced. Venus and Mars in seventh Bhava and the Navamsa of Venus falling in the sign of Mars and Navamsa of Mars in the sign of Venus make the native highly immoral. According to Brihat Jataka, if Venus is in the Navamsa of Mars or in the house of Mars or associated with or aspected by Mars, the person will indulge in masturbation. Similar opinions have been expressed in Jataka Tattva and Saravali. A conjunction of Mars and Venus or their mutual aspect indicates discord in marital life.

Venus and Saturn are friends but since Saturn is embodiment of idleness which is the root of looseness in morals. Association of Venus and Saturn in any matter gives bad results unless such a Venus is powerfully guarded i.e. influenced by benefics. When Venus is in seventh house in Navamsa of Saturn and is devoid of any benefic influence a person is likely to have illicit relations with married women older than him in age. When Venus is in seventh house in Navamsa of Saturn is aspected by Mars, one is likely to have relations with married woman. Similar results are experienced when Venus is in Aquarius, Dwadashamsa of the ascendant and Saturn in Seventh house from Venus or Navamsa of Venus and Saturn falling in seventh from each other. Venus in seventh house having signs of either Mars or Saturn (1, 8, 10, 11) and aspected by Mars or Saturn or Saturn conjoined with Venus in Mars signs (Aries or Scorpio) gives immoral tendencies. Saturn aspected by Venus or Saturn conjoined with Venus and lord of second makes a person profligate.

When the lords of second and seventh house together with Venus join the lagna Bhava and no benefic joins them, one is likely to have a questionable sex life. When the lord of lagna joins the lord of sixth house and they both are afflicted by malefic planets, the result is same. When the lords of lagna and second house along with malefics join the seventh house and are also conjoined with or aspected by lord of sixth house, the person is likely to have connection with woman other than his wife. When the lords of sixth and seventh houses join the ninth house and conjoined with or aspected by any malefic planet, they make a person too much sexy. When the lords of second and seventh houses join the tenth house along with sixth lord and be any way afflicted, they will bring illegal sex relations in a man’s life.

Late Mr. J. N. Bhasin in his book “Art of Prediction” has observed that the 6th house of the horoscope doesn’t merely stand for enemies and traits of enemity, it also stands for the trait of not belonging to us. This house thus has a tendency to bring things from outside and having relations with other woman is nothing but sharing the bed comforts of wife (12th to 7th) with somebody else. Besides sixth house is house of “Ripu” i.e. senses, therefore all our desires are controlled by this house. Thus when sixth house is afflicted and it makes relation with any of the houses and planets ruling sex partner, one may be rough about his sex life, may indulge into violent behaviors etc. He may bring some body to share the bed of his wife from outside. Thus when malefic sixth lord makes a relation with house or planet ruling sex partner, similar results will be witnessed.


To be continued………….

Venus in Marriage & Sex – 1

In matters related to marriage and sex, Venus occupies an important position as it is lord of 2nd and 7th sign of Zodiac and also is Karaka of all the ingredients connected with sex and marriage. If one scans through various significations of Venus as mentioned earlier, it won’t escape our notice how aptly Venus represents marriage and sex. Marriage is nothing but a lasting union between a male and female governed by mutual contract – open or secret. But in Hindu religion Contract of marriage is something more than a civil agreement. However the concept of marriage has widened its horizon with passage of time and number of religions coming into existence. The marriage can be open or secret and even not be a legal marriage. The marriage could exist in various forms depending upon the conditions of religion, country and individual beliefs. In Hindu religion, it is still something above a civil agreement and its seed all lay in various incarnations. However the intention is not to examine this sacred institution philosophically but to analyze it astrologically. In astrology, the legality or otherwise of a union is a matter of very secondary importance. Astrological examinations are not bound to any rules of religion and custom. Unions when given legal form become marriage and any union outside the legal restriction can be called only sexual relationship born out of passion and lasciviousness. However marriage amongst Hindus assume a very important factor and while deciding a marriage partner, a lot of attention is paid to various factors such a physical fitness, mental qualities, heredity, sexual compatibility and social and economic status. Hindu astrological treaties reveal several astrological factors pertaining to connubial felicities or contrariwise. In the following paragraphs, various aspects are considered astrologically in a limited way. The classical writers like Varahamihira, Mantreshwara and Mahadeva have unanimously observed that effects with regard to male, all those that may be found in female horoscope, should be stated as applicable to men also. Those not applicable to them should be ascribed to their husbands. This statement is to a great extent correct but there are certain niceties of female horoscope which are not available in a male chart or cannot be even ascribed to t5he husband and it is because of this aspect some classical writers have devoted a complete chapter to female horoscopy. One cannot miss this in Saravali.





Venus is the most important of the planets which covers the sex life in a male. Her strength, situation etc and relation with other planets are very important the sex life of a male. When Venus is well placed, strong and unafflicted, she gives a balanced sex life.

In a horoscope to judge the nature of affliction is very tricky job and requires lots of skill and experience. A planet is unafflicted when it is neither conjoined with nor aspected by any malefic. A planet is said to be afflicted when the same is either conjoined with or aspected by a malefic. When a planet is conjoined with or aspected by both benefics and malefics, it possesses a dual character. It may result into both benefic and malefic effects. But the stronger will predominate. When the conjoining or aspecting benefic planet is stronger than the conjoining or aspecting malefic planet, the evil effect may be completely checked, but while it is weaker, the evil forces may not be checked. When the afflicted planet is situated in house of a benefic, the evil forces are much minimized, while the planet is situated in house of a malefic, the evil qualities increase.

When Venus is situated in her own house, in house of mooltrikona or in exaltation, she gives one balanced sex life, provided she is not in any way weak or afflicted.

Saturn, Mars, Sun, waning Moon, Rahu, Ketu and Mercury when associated with any of the foregoing planets are known as malefic planets and of them Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu are highly malefic. When a malefic planet is a yogakaraka and is in a house of a benefic, the malefic character is much minimized. When Rahu or Ketu is well placed and in the house of benefic or with a benefic, the malefic quality of the planet is also much minimized. When Venus is situated in a house owned by any of the above planets, sex life of male is likely to be disturbed. When Saturn, Mars, Rahu or Ketu makes relationship with Venus by aspect or conjunction, a male is likely to have unbalanced sex life. If Venus is in house of either Mars or Saturn and is also aspected by Mars or Saturn, a person is certainly going to suffer from troubled sex life. If above are also aspected by or conjoined with any benefic planet, particularly by Jupiter, there may not be any trouble. Influence of Mars or Rahu over Venus by association or aspect makes a person highly sexy, provided Venus is situated in house of a malefic and also devoid of any benefic conjunction or aspect.

Jupiter, waxing Moon and unafflicted Mercury are the benefics and their conjunction with Venus or their aspect over Venus is always good for normal sex life in a male horoscope. Jupiter is highly benefic planet and his relationship with Venus is always good for balanced and normal sex life. When lords of Kendras and Trikonas join or aspect Venus, they increase the happiness of sex life, while association of Venus with other lords particularly with lords of evil houses (i.e. dusthana – sixth, eighth and twelfth houses) is not good. When Venus is in evil house or in the house of debilitation being afflicted, she causes harms to sex life of a male.

As mentioned above, Venus with lords of quadrants is very welcome and so its placement there but ownership (Kendra adhipatya) or situation in unfavorable constellation or constellation of malefic or her position between malefics makes Venus afflicted or weak as the case may be and harms sex life. This position of Venus changes the mind and gentle nature altogether and one behaves more cruelly. Similar is the case when malefics are posited in quadrants to Venus or Chaturasra (the 4th and 8th house). She is to some extent like Moon, who is malefic when devoid of digit power and like Mercury who becomes a malefic directly when comes in contact with other malefic. In hundreds of horoscopes it has been observed by me that an afflicted Venus gives an unbalanced sex life and has given more than one wife or sexual union with more than one woman.


Case Study 1:

Ashe Arthur

In this chart, Venus is in 12th house and Venus position in 12th house is very beneficial for relationship/marriage matters. Also Venus is quite unafflicted. Venus is definitely aspected by Rahu but Rahu has lost his malefic effect significantly being conjoined with exalted Jupiter and placed in 11th house. Also Venus is in 9th from AL which is again an excellent placement. Adding more to it, his first relationship materialized into marriage as 7th lord from Venus is Rahu and is conjoined with Jupiter (7th lord from Moon & Lagna) and is Darakaraka too. This marriage was a stable one because 2nd lord from UL is Venus and Venus is quite well placed as discussed above.

Case Study 2:

Jim Backus

In this chart, Venus is exalted in Lagna and dispositor of Venus, Jupiter, is also well placed in 10th house from Lagna. Though Rahu is conjoined with Venus but being in Jupiter’s house and unafflicted by any other malefic planet reduces the malefic effect of Rahu significantly. The marriage was lasting one because the 2nd lord from UL is Venus and is in exaltation and unafflicted too. More to it, Venus is in Digbala from AL (AL shifted to 10th house being 7th from AL is stronger).

Case Study 3:

Astaire Fed

In this chart, Venus is very well placed in 5th house in Pisces, exaltation sign of Venus and is unafflicted neither being conjoined with nor aspected by any malefic planet. More to this, Jupiter is in 8th from Venus (benefic planet in Chaturasra). This altogether gave a very good marital life to Astaire Fed. Adding more to this, he has Jupiter in trines to Moon giving chaste relationship to him.

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